Heathen, I'm not going to further this "debate" with you, as being right seems to be such a paramount concern of yours. If you feel I have no point, rest assured you are in the minority. ;-) G'night, and don't let the boogie man scare you.
John Doe
JoinedPosts by John Doe
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
"How very odd - assuming that 'ghosts' usually appear in Graveyards, and only after midnight. Someone's thinking has been influenced by too many films I think."
How did you get that from what I said? I didnt' mention all of the places I've been looking for ghosts--supposedly haunted places.
I shouldn't have implied that you are all nuts though. I was saying those things tongue in cheek, and I apologize if any of you took offense.
I don't think you're nuts, just that you share a common delusion. Everyone has delusions of one kind or another, and I do not mean this personally. I might seem closed-minded to you, but I would be gullible if I believed everyone who told me ghost stories, in my estimation. I've given ghosts plenty of opportunity to reveal themselves. I do not fear being wrong, nor do I fear the supernatural. Fear has nothing to do with what I believe, though I could see where you might assume that since fear does affect so many folks' views.
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
I never said no one saw ghosts. I said that ghosts are not a physical reality. Yup, I say that spirits don't float through walls and go around harassing people and I look like an idiot. Ha ha. I don't care if you were a witness or not. If you see something like that, you're going to talk about it.
But, I suppose since I don't believe in the tooth fairy or Santa Clause that I'm also a narrow-minded idiot. ;-) When I was a kid, I used to play in grave yards until 3 or 4 in the morning with one of my friends trying to see something. Nothing ever happened. Again, if you don't believe, you're not going to see one. The only reason some get offended when people don't believe them about ghosts is becuase they know they sound crazy. If they really didn't care and if they were really confident, they would not get offended. One doesn't have to believe in ghosts to be open minded.
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
"John Doe--- Nobody wants to hear your half baked annalysis ."
So what else does everybody want, heathen? What I don't understand is why someone with no credentials relating to what everybody wants would even make a statement. ;-) You're the first to complain. Put that under your fingernail and sniff it.
How was that? I'm really not good at this style of post. ;-)
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
Not to mention, you're all three describing experiences from your past. Time has a way of changing memories, and people have a way of interpreting what they want to hear. Sure, you could have all had some experiences. Remember, they used to use lead in dishes and water pipes and paint quite extensively, not to mention asbestos in the floors. ;-) Seriously though, your statement is not very convincing.
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
Freedom, did these ghosts talk to you? Why would none you discuss such a circumstance until you were adults? That's unreasonable.
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
"John Doe--- I gave you a chance to state credentials but instead you continue to insult , you don't have credentials to call anybody loopy . I suggest you go harrass other posters with your blind arrogance , because I aint playing your asinine bit ."
Interestingly, you're the first person to ever use those adjectives towards me. You never asked for my credentials, instead you chose to insult with irrelevant nonsense when I was legitimately discussing the topic--otherwise known as poisoning the well. You obviously only discuss things with persons who agree with you. Interesting. A study to show the prevalence of this attitude in “believers” would be a worthwhile study. You’re quite interesting.
I would love to further discuss your experiences, but alas, you’ve made your last post on this thread. Tsk tsk tsk. It’s a shame when a person can’t be open enough to debate a subject seriously.
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
Heathen, could you please explain what qualifies as credentials for discussion of paranormal activities? You have no idea what credentials I have/don't have. Don't get mad at me for pointing out your loopiness. ;-) When you get time, perhaps you should look up "poisoning the well."
Anyone ever seen a ghost?
by Clam inhave you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
John Doe
I don't think people don't experience ghosts--I think ghosts are internal. The mind is a powerful thing, and when spooked can can have some odd perceptions. The trick is knowing when to trust our senses and when not to. If you don't believe in ghosts, you're not going to see one. Some might think they don't beleive, but on a subconscious level they do. We like to believe in the supernatural. Why is Stephen King popular? But for all practical purposes, if it can't be conclusively demonstrated than it is not a physical reality. Anything else is just fuddleheadedness. Read about the Salem witchcraft trials sometime.
by Dansk inthis is actually something that fascinates me and i'd like your own opinions on the subject.
i list here things i feel are quintessentially english (with apologies to the scots, welsh and irish as they have their own uniqueness).. first of all, it's got to be a cup of tea (yes, i know it wasn't originally made here, but it has become an integral part of 'englishness').. cup of tea.
John Doe
Guy Fawlkes (spelling?)